Well, watching the debate tonight, I was frankly surprised that abortion came up, with the current preoccupation with the economy. But it did come up, and I was surprised to hear John McCain inching towards the truth about his positions. If you missed it, here's a link to some clips from the debate, including the one I'm discussing:
McCain specifically promises "I will not use abortion as a litmus test in appointing Suprem Court justices" and says "I believe this is a states rights issue". This is the EXACT same rhetoric that landed Charlie Crist in trouble with Florida conservative Christian leaders. I seem to recall that it roused a lot of excitement in church pulpits during the last gubernatorial election in FL, and understandably so, since it's basically code for "I could care less about abortion" and "I don't intend to nominate anyone who will actually interfere with abortion rights and hurt my appeal to independants". Where's the outcry from conservative Christians on this one? Those of my friends who are pro-life Republicans, John McCain just told you on national television that he plans to throw you under the bus on this one, just like everyone else in his party's leadership. Do you still think that a vote for McCain is a vote to overturn Roe? If so, on what grounds?
And for any other Christian bloggers who stumble upon this blog, can you please stop circulating the Robert George essay? I've seen it on a ton of Christian blogs today, and I'm over it. It's biased, untruthful, partisan, pejorative, and frankly beneath the dignity of Christian intellectuals, and I'm extremely disappointed that the likes of Albert Mohler are distributing it.
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