I apologize to all the people who will be tempted to extreme jealousy by this post, but I need to briefly pause from our serious discussions to brag and congratulate myself:
Fallon and I have ALCS tickets for Monday!
It doesn't get any better than the playoffs at Fenway.
Go Sox!!!
I am jealous. But excited for you all. GOSAWX GO CHOWDA
Oh yeah, I hope yook hits a homah!
Ryan, I am aware of your resourcefulness and from whence you have inherited the same, but how did you come by these precious passes to be a witness to the Red Sox humble defeat at the hand of "The New Beasts of the East!"
Fallon has a coworker who is a season ticket holder. I asked my lovely wife to make sure she knew what a big Sawx fan I was. She thought of us first when she realized she couldn't make it Monday :)
wow, tickets to Fenway. AWESOME MAN!
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